Special Services


Activities implemented and renewed in content as well as in form.

These activities, which are based on an exquisitely military matrix, are continually used and updated in both form and content. Our human resources, many of whom come from the COFS (Interforze Command Special Operations) of the Italian Armed Forces and other sources, are all equipped with proven long-term expertise in the field. They consistently study and update basic training courses and specialization in the use of weapons as well as in a wide range of other disciplines, including stress management, proxemics, non-verbal communication, leadership, and team building, to name a few of the most in-demand ones. These contents are provided subject to our review and in accordance with the SPECIAL SERVICES code of ethics.


Theoretical / practical introduction to safe handling and use of weapons; short weapon and rudiments of long gun. The ideal basic platform to introduce anyone to the world of firearms. Building solid foundations, debunking myths and beliefs is the focus of this course.


Basic training for armed personnel of the subsidiary security sector. Created with a view to continuing education. Specific for GPG


Weapon Systems, Characteristics and Operation Theoretical practical stage of in-depth study of the operating principles of the main weapon platforms of modern and contemporary history. Essential for a trainer


The Edge: Acting under stress. The breaking point, High intensity training activity. Knowing biochemical dynamics and emotional aspects of one’s self under stress; touch the black condition. Falling to the height of your preparation .. Recognizing the first enemy: yourself.


Activity aimed at those who want to approach the difficult task of close escort Operator in a professional manner. Multilevel course, training course.


Close Quarter Battle.
Multilevel training course dedicated to maneuvering in urban environments and / or confined spaces, with particular reference to environmental remediation. Course delivered in live fire


Combat Life Saver: Rescue on the front line. Professional course for all those who want to deepen the very important role of the paramedical rescuer in the line of fire. Course with limited number after selection.


Integration and Survival in hostile and non-permissive environments